Best SEO Tips and Tricks for beginners to expert

SEO tips and tricks

First of all, what is SEO?

SEO means search engine optimization. This means optimizing the content so that it can be discovered by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing or any others.

We have some seo tips and tricks that will rank your post higher in search engines. Because if your page is not within the top 10 results then your organic traffic will not grow. so optimize your website right now.

Tips and Tricks for SEO

1. First of all, Note that SEO is to help users find your page more easily. Always think about your visitors first, and only then should you take care of tricks with the search engines. As if visitors don't like your page then they will close your site which will make a negative impression on your website.

2. Follow the notifications of search engines from the first day only. Set up Google Search Console and look through the notifications and modify them accordingly.

3. Identify the keywords that attract users to specific pages. In Google Search Console goto Search Traffic > Search Analytics then Create extra content based on the keywords you see on this page.

4. Use the target keyword in the Title (Up to 55 characters will be displayed in Google search results.)

5. Study your future competitors’ title tags. Short description of your post with attractive words should be your Title.

6. Divide your content into titles and subtitles with meaning, which will facilitate the reading process.

7. Use the keywords in the headings.

8. The best seo tips and trick is the Internal linking of your different posts. Means link your different suitable posts which will give you traffic to your all pages.

9. Always check the recommendations for the mobile version of your blog. As more than 70% of traffic comes nowadays is from smartphones, tablets, etc.

10. Perform an SEO Audit of your blog/posts from time to time. This will show you the errors and improvements you need to make.

11. Optimize pictures used in your page. Choose the correct formats for each type. Use Photoshop, Picsart or any free tool available on the internet.

12. Find all technical errors. Use the free version of the program SEMrush. Add your blog to SEMrush and run a free analysis. These tools will show you the main issues you need to address.

13. Do not reuse the keywords selected specifically for search engines Use it only where you need. Do not spam your page!

14. Create an XML site map that contains all the pages of your site. If you have already done so, make sure it was compiled correctly, and that all new pages appear as needed. Add your site map to Google Search Console.

15. One more good SEO tips and tricks is to get Traffic from your images. In order to receive traffic from your images, add alt tag, also write a description of the image. Use the keyword in the file name for the image. This keyword must characterize the image in the best way possible.

16. Always optimize the page for only one keyword. Don’t aim to kill two birds, or a dozen of them, with one stone. Just try the remaining keywords that reveal the main topic of the seed keyword.
If u have multiple pages competing for similar keyword search terms, combine the contents into one long content that will result better.

17. Write Guest posts for other blogs and websites. Choose sites carefully, taking into consideration their authority, topic, and the number of shares and comments. To find them in Google, type the queries: keyword + guest post, keyword + guest author, keyword + write for us, keyword + guest article. Get in touch with the top sites on your topic and suggest writing for them.

18. Use social sharing options, which are optimized for different devices. According to research, floating buttons lead to better results.

19. Promote your blog on your different social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc.

20. Create the right amount of content for each post. Just look at the content length of your Top 10 competitors in Google search results. Do not write articles that are less than 700 words long. 1800 or more words per article are considered the average index for all niches.

21. The old way of obtaining backlinks through commenting on other blogs still works. Although the link is likely to be in no-follow, if the comment is useful, your blog will attract new viewers. Google appreciates this approach also.

22. Create clean and SEO­friendly URLs. You shouldn’t make them too long. Just include the main key phrases. For example, I have a post of Top 10 shopping sites in India so my Link will be like "" not like

I hope these SEO Tips and Tricks will help you in ranking your site. We will update you with the latest tips and tricks frequently. Keep visiting our site TECHFUNDA.

You can also watch the youtube video by Neil Patel on SEO below. It was uploaded in 2017 and it is still ranking on youtube.

Thanks for visiting. If you have any problems comment below. I will help you for sure.

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