For making our first app in Android studio we need to follow these steps:-

Before going further, make sure you have installed the latest version of Android studio (If you have not installed it yet refer to our previous blog about how to install Android studio).

1. Open Android Studio.
2. Click on Start a new Android Studio project as given in the screenshot below.

make your own app in Android studio

3. Wait for a few seconds it will take time according to your pc performance. Now when the new window opens you have to choose a project. In this tutorial, we are going to make an app for smartphone so we will choose phone and tablet option then we have to select an activity accordingly.
we will choose here empty activity. Now click on Next as shown in the screenshot below.

steps to make app in android studio

4.  Now we have to configure our project. 
4.1. Give an appropriate name to the app.
4.2. Give Package Name or Let it be as it is.
4.3. Select Location for saving project.
4.4. Choose language Java/Kotlin.
4.5. Select the Minimum API Level that the app will support.
Now click on Finish Button as shown in the screenshot below.

make your own android app

5. Gradle building process will be started, after that this screen shown below will appear.

6. Now From Palette pick the text, buttons or widget you want to place in the screen and edit it accordingly. This is our first app so I am not going into XML editor in which you will be able to change backgrounds or design it more friendly. Select layout I have chosen constraint layout in which I have to take constraints for this as shown in the screenshot below just drag small white circle above the Button to the top of the page.
7. Now for testing app, you must have the emulator or android phone. As shown in the screenshot below I have 3 virtual devices so select any of the available devices. I have selected Pixel XL.
Now click on green Run button (play symbol)

8. You are done. You have made your first android app. See the screenshot below for output.

emulator app output

If you have any problem in creating your app comment below I will reply soon.
Thank you.